APRIL 16th, 2005
It's one week later & I'm still reeling from the film fest. 350+ people in attendance. That's even bigger than all previous screenings. Interest in local films is at an all time high. Alec seemed to be having the best time. Our collaboration, both in the festival and with his movie THE WARNING seems to be paying off on multiple levels. Alec makes a good ally and collaborator. He's easy going & knows what he wants, which is rare. In a funny twist, my own film CONCUPISCENCE had probably the lowest audience reaction, except with the great Dennis Wiggins, who rarely does NOT get a great reaction of laughter. I sold 5 T-shirts, 7 "Best of Sonnyboo" DVD's, and had a generally fun time. Lots of new faces, and even some old ones. Vince Karch attended the festival & even sat behind me. He didn't say hello, but he sure did have this look on his face reminiscent of how an injured pit bull looks at a cat.
My role in future LOOK AT MY SHORTS will start to diminish as I work more towards features, and also work less and less on shorts. It's still my baby, and I will maintain certain levels of control, but someone else can take the ball run with it. Due to the attendance, Studio 35 was very very very happy and want to continue to anchor our future shows. Alec had talked to the news desk at Channel 6, and ABC affiliate, and they promised to be there for the fest and never showed up. I was told repeatedly that the general public is not interested in these types of events... so it makes perfect sense why our attendance goes up and the number of films being made rises.
=============SHORT FILMS=================
Just like PASSION from John Whitney, several Sonnyboo favorites have been selected for presentation with SCREENVISION as "pre Show Entertainment" for several major movie chains. Shorts like License Exam will now play before theatrical releases to 5,000 screens including Loews Cineplex, Carmike Cinemas, Cinemark and Pacific Theaters
I want to make sure to give my heartfelt thanks to http://www.UNDERGROUNDFILM.org for their support of all things Boo. Putting movies online has done wonders for my movies. Anyone on the fence may want to reconsider putting his or her films on the Internet. It does pay off. One of the best parts about this deal is that THEY found ME, and they did it from an Internet website. God bless the Internet.
On the big screen, right before ALL the major Hollywood releases, and the run of this title will coincide with the release of STAR WARS III: REVENGE OF THE SITH. A movie I wrote & directed will play before "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away" in the same theatre, in front of the same crowd. This is one of the most exciting things to ever happen to me in my life thus far.
The Chicago REALLY short film festival is showing no less than 4 Columbus area films at this year's festival.
WTTW's Image Union - ChicagoFilm.com present The Chicago "Really" Short Film Fest on May 7 2005 (3:PM) hosted by The Abbey Pub (3420 W. Grace Chicago, Il 60618). Featuring film critic Erik Childress.
CLICK HERE for more info
Tack on the TV deals for 11 Sonnyboo shorts on Canada's BITE TV network (paid, no less), and Sonnyboo short films keep on trucking forward. I don't even try anymore. Things just come to me. I'm still sending 5-10 packages a week, but they are all now requests and none are solicitations from me. Much as this might behoove many to learn, people do eventually start seeking out Peter John Ross and Sonnyboo movies....
Last week had a bizarro moment. On Tuesday night I receive an email from a young lady who asked my advice. She had just fired a director/producer who was supposed to be making a movie from her screenplay. She was unhappy with his progress as well as the fact tat in 4 months he went from "I'll pay for everything" to "I need $3,000". I gave her a list of reference sot other filmmaker who might be able to help her get the movie made.
Then I got forwarded the email exchanges between them for no apparent reason (I most certainly did not request them). It was a brow beating from this guy with a near complete incompetence on how to make a movie on planet Earth.
Then this guy started emailing me...
I was accused of stealing this project away from him, that he knows it was me and hopes that I can put the kind of passion & care that he would... even though no one has ever seen a movie he has made. Where it got particularly funny was this:
Quote: from Mister Blue on 8:45 am on Feb. 24, 2005
Four years ago I stumbled across some of the filmmaking that was going on here in Columbus and thought that maybe, just maybe there was a community geared toward making real movies. My hope was that I wouldn't have to rely on film crews from Chicago, New York or other places in order to make my films. Unfortunately, that community's figurehead is Peter John Ross.
I find it completely hysterical that this guy who has such venom and disrespect also views me a a figurehead in the local film community. I requested that both of these people leave me out of their mess. I had nothing to do with her or her decision to drop this guy like a bad habit.
Admittedly, I make fun of this guy. I have in these very blog entries several times. That doesn't mean I'm responsible for his behavior or actions, it's a commentary on them. Like most people, he'd rather blame me for people knowing what an idiot he is rather than take responsibility for idiotic actions. FYI this is the same moron who asked to be a part of LOOK AT MY SHORTS, then failed to deliver a tape to me with a whole month.
On a bigger note, I feel like stating clearly that I don't view myself as a figurehead of anything. I'm just a guy making movies and promoting them. This is the second time in a week someone called me a figurehead. What is a figurehead exactly? Why do I have to answer for other people's misperceptions?
I hope she gets her movie made, and I hope this guy turns his film career around. Either way, I hope they leave me out of it.
=======END DRAMA=========
I just wrapped up a :30 TV spot for a a repeat customer, http://www.Faster40.com and also a DVD for Party Girls Gone Global (my favorite), and also a DVD for B'nard Lewis, a SAG actor. Next on deck is a 16 minute corporate video. I went from a fairly dry 4 month period with minimal freelance work, to a sudden overload. The lucky thing is that as of this moment I have enough money to get my fabled 1991 Mustang fixed. It needs new brakes, a tail pipe, radiator, and transmission work. Not exactly cheap, but she's still under 100,000 miles. I can also afford to pay the bill up (which I did this morning online). I'm torn between my need to have an operating motor vehicle, and buying a 30" LCD monitor/HDTV.... Who thinks I will get my car fixed? I'm due serious $$ from taxes & when that ship comes in, I think I will treat myself to 27"-30"s of glorius high resolution imagery.
Brandy did another love scene for an out of town production shot here this week. This time she got to have Jason Morris' sweaty body on top of her in a bed. People with a more normal relationship might view this as a threat, but I'm pretty secure in both our relationship and in Jason's staunch homosexuality. Seriously, I don't mind my girlfriend's acting career. I recommended her for the part. She has carved out a niche for herself as she is very comfortable with her body (almost as much as I am with her body).
========HORRORS OF WAR UPDATE=========
I got in the film transfers from the D-Day re-enactment we shot 6 months ago. John Whitney's 16mm footage yielded some good plane shots of P-51 Mustangs buzzing by (real not CGI), and some close ups at the end. Micah Jenkins came through way way way beyond expectations with reel after reel of amazing shots, angles, and imagery that is precisely what we need for both the movie's opening & also the trailer. I did about 50/50 and got some usable footage, and some not so good stuff. My cameras can both do slow motion, so I got some material separate from the other 2 cameras, so I am pleased with myself, but not as much as I am for Micah. I may let him do a love scene with Brandy sometime soon too.
This film transfer serves a dual purpose. I'm trying to cut a new trailer, as in a Teaser trailer to keep interest levels high and also to show newer material to prospective buyers & investors. The second purpose is to use in the film proper as background images for the opening credits of the film. I even worked on some UP RES tests to see how the super 8 would handle some 2K 1.78 to 1 blow ups. Using a bit of Gaussian blur, which it needed to make titles legible, and Ouila! beautiful film originated images that can be output for 35mm film print via laser.
Look for new stills & the new trailer in about 2 weeks. http://www.HorrorsofWarmovie.com
Phil Garret is officially on board, but without a final job title. For now, we'll say "Co-producer", but as time goes on, he might be warranting a better, bigger title more befitting his work put in.
There have been few altercations in Rossdonia this month. It's quiet... too quiet. I think the Human-Feline wars will continue on throughout summer 2005. Coussette has found a new hiding place, but she doesn't realize I know where it is. It's in Brandy's closet in the suitcase. This is her Alamo. Only one entrance into the closet, and the suitcase provides a perfect cover. The "PET" offensive I'm plotting for early next week may cause both cats to divide, but that only makes them easier to conquer in our land battles, but they have better aerial tactics.
The battles continue....
Well Acolytes of Boo, these are the things on the top of my mind this fine sunny Saturday. I need to finish laundry, clean up my over due messes and prepare for another busy week in the World of Boo.
- Peter John Ross
April 16th, 2005