Ahoy their acolytes of Boo. This is your captain speaking and I'm here to rock your world. Not really, I'm quoting the Artist Formerly Known as and currently known as Prince from a 1995 track. Your faithful narrator has been a busy worker bee. Many things happen and work has been accomplished. I have been covering for my sometimes boss as he teaches in one of the Carolina's, I don't think I'll ever be able to tell them apart since I don't do any work there in those states yet. Instead of being a free-from-responsibility freelancer, I've been trying to take care of business.
It's very odd to have a semi-regular income again. It's been so long that a week ago I over-paid on my utilities. I found a "past due" notice and paid it up, not knowing that it was a bill from April. It seems utility companies tend to keep the extra money and apply it to your next bill, since you know… you'll owe them more money anyway. I'm okay with that, it just means I have less money owed next month. I won't be writing any new checks for many weeks. That feels good in it's own way.
Next up, a new car methinks. Something classier and definitely more reliable. I'm sick of the sporty, sleek, penis cars. No more mustangs, unless it's a 2006 model with blue racing stripes. Even then, I might have to pass on it because I'm sick of the unreliable vehicles that look good.
We're coming up on the 2007 INDIE GATHERING in Cleveland where I have been going for the last 2 years. I'm already set to be on at least 3 filmmaking panels and have a booth. This year, I have my book to sell, as well as a new publication, the HORRORS OF WAR ILLUSTRATED SCREENPLAY in book form. It's a test bed of maybe 4-5 copies to see if anyone's interested. The storyboards by Mike Bruinsma (as well as Dan Kiely and Shawn Collins) are pretty good. We'll see what people respond to. I plan on having a blast, as I will be hanging with the Great & Powerful Johnny Wu for a weekend and that has yet to be non-fun.
Somewhere in the last week I have found a reservoir of energy. I've been cleaning at home a bit more, doing more things, and still finding time to start watching movies again, albeit slowly. I watched LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE again last night. Great flick and one I saw 90% of at the theatre, but then had to go to the movie I actually paid for. It pays off in the end in a big way. Loved it, I did.
I found a Japanese company that is selling copies of my short film, or at least I think so. It's hard to read.
I continue to sell more copies of the BEST OF SONNYBOO DVD. I chalked up 4 more sales this week alone. I don't really advertise this or anything. It's just there. People buy it. Go figure. I won't try to analyze it; I'll just keep making my PayPal deposits.
Because of the INDIE GATHERING, I have a nice deadline to get more done on the HORRORS OF WAR feature length documentary. I'd like to have something to show in some way. It's got it's points, but editing full time, then coming home to edit doesn't make for a well-rested Rossman. It makes a cranky, burned out, eyes bleeding Ross-person. Combine that with the editing on Derek's ETERNAL, and the Ross needs sleep, and the Ross needs more time to his-self.
I just finished digitizing 25 tapes of HD footage on ETERNAL. It was a pain in the ass, but it's done and it all fit on my internal drives (dutifully backed up to 2 portable drives as well). There are now 6 Standard Definition (SD, regular mini DV) tapes to digitize, but I can get those ingested into my edit system later. There's less of a rush on those. FYI – Today is THE DEREK's BIRTHDAY.
I am receiving script pages 1-2 times a week for what may very well be my next feature film. I have not decided which one of 2 projects will go next. I want the scripts to be perfect first. We shall see. Neither will begin shooting before 2008. I will continue to make some income, deal with my health issues (need to keep trying to get in better shape), and all other things that come from being me.
In the HORRORS OF WAR category, not much new to report. We got another check in to disperse to investors. That's always great news. I like giving back to the hands that helped me. When it is possible, writing checks out feels better than anything else. Scott Spears showed some of the WEBDOCS to students, who then demanded to see the film itself. I think there is a definite market for the film… if it actually gets released in the U.S. It's not a film for everyone; it's not even a masterpiece by any stretch, but it's a fun movie with something abnormal to it. I think the bending of the genres worked for our story. I can live with the opposing points of view, as I am content with the movie.
"V" sleeps in the window, staring into the universe. Brandy sleeps on the couch behind me. Cousette whines and cries for attention. All is well in Rossdonia on this peaceful Sunday. Peace out my homies.
- Ross
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Gather All Ye Indies
Saturday, July 14, 2007
The Girl from a Pawnshop, She Talks to Angels
Well, I'm now working more than I have in years. Not since my first year at Tavares Teleproductions have I worked this many hours. Luckily, my skill-set has improved and I can be more efficient with my time. Editing TV spots for the Food Network & MTV2 aren't all bad. There are far worse ways to make a living.

This past Tuesday, I taught an abridged version of my edit class for several hours to inner-city kids. During the lunch break, one of the students commented on the HORRORS OF WAR Poster on the wall, asking if I knew anything about the movie. I said, "Sure", and then proceeded to play the trailer. Even the 3 girls were blown away. When it became clear in the class, via the Webdocs with me in them, that I was one of the makers of the film, they seemed to take on a different attitude. I was given a compliment of the highest order; they said the movie was going to be "Off the Hook". I think I can safely say there are at least 7-8 new copies for rent from that class. Now if only the movie would get released in North America. Maybe this November. Maybe not. Who knows?
We just got another award for HORRORS OF WAR. In August, we'll receive the "B-Movie top emerging B Filmmaking talent" by a B-movie convention. I'm also going to be on a panel with Lloyd Kaufman & Jim Wynorski. I can't wait, so I'll be attending this one. I'm there to represent the "unknown" filmmaker. I still can't watch the movie again, as I have seen it far too many times.
Progress on the feature length documentary has continued in due course. I'm setting a kind of deadline for late September. I doubt this will get any kind of public release, but this is what we are going to give to cast & crew as a free thank you for working on the movie. Timing this out to coincide with a DVD release would be great, but there are no guarantees with a "tentative" release date.
One last HORRORS OF WAR update, on the German Amazon.com (Amazon.de) the reviews are sharply in contrast of those who love it and those that hate it. That seems to really sum up people's feelings about the film. They either love it or hate it. I think that really is the secret of all movies. Some people love your movie, some people hate it. Get used to it kids. That's normal and that's life. There are some movies I hate that other people love. Go figure. Only amateurs & hobbyists don't understand that.
I have been dealing with technical issues on Eternal for the Derek. I have been capturing, then re-capturing the footage trying to tweak everything just right to edit in HD with the AspectHD codec. It seems to work much smoother with the JVC HD110 than the Sony line of HDV. The solution was to use a cheaper Sony HDV Handicam so that the capturing goes smoother, and Jesus Marimba that works so much better. After this weekend, we'll be all caught up on everything that's been shot so far, plus we'll be finishing off the rest of what they are shooting this weekend. Once it's all digitized, I am making 2 backups on the 2 portable 500 Gig drives Derek bought. Redundancy can never be bad. Always protect the data, and protect it often. I'm down to 1 intern helping on this project and I need at least 2-3 more. Assistant Editors have become the lifeblood of my editorial process. I like the team aspect, especially when it's not my own project, although I will probably institute this process into my own movies from here on out. Collaboration seems to increase the quality in the edit.
All of my feature work is on hold for a little bit. I want to develop the screenplays more fully and be 100% sure they are ready to roll. I value the script above all else these days. I want to choose my material very carefully and make the best possible movie based on what will be the blueprint.
Lately, I've been listening to my old CD's. The Black Crowes had so much more passion in their style than I remember. I had a bunch of CD's, but only listened to a few tracks. Now I'm devouring the entire catalog. Chris and Rich Robinson conveyed a depth and soul rarely heard in popular music, especially from ones as young as they were.
As for the world of Rossdonia the controversy is abound. "V" was convicted of turning over the names of the kitties that spilled the water dish on Brandy's computer. I commuted his sentence and this caused uproar in Rossdonia. I know he broke the law, but he's my friend, so I let him off the hook. The scorn & ridicule he and his family have been through was enough. I know that Paris Hilton spent a few weeks in jail, but this is different. I know this guy, so I'm letting him off. Besides, it's old news. Let's move on because I have better things to do than answer for my own questionable actions.
This past Tuesday, I taught an abridged version of my edit class for several hours to inner-city kids. During the lunch break, one of the students commented on the HORRORS OF WAR Poster on the wall, asking if I knew anything about the movie. I said, "Sure", and then proceeded to play the trailer. Even the 3 girls were blown away. When it became clear in the class, via the Webdocs with me in them, that I was one of the makers of the film, they seemed to take on a different attitude. I was given a compliment of the highest order; they said the movie was going to be "Off the Hook". I think I can safely say there are at least 7-8 new copies for rent from that class. Now if only the movie would get released in North America. Maybe this November. Maybe not. Who knows?
We just got another award for HORRORS OF WAR. In August, we'll receive the "B-Movie top emerging B Filmmaking talent" by a B-movie convention. I'm also going to be on a panel with Lloyd Kaufman & Jim Wynorski. I can't wait, so I'll be attending this one. I'm there to represent the "unknown" filmmaker. I still can't watch the movie again, as I have seen it far too many times.
Progress on the feature length documentary has continued in due course. I'm setting a kind of deadline for late September. I doubt this will get any kind of public release, but this is what we are going to give to cast & crew as a free thank you for working on the movie. Timing this out to coincide with a DVD release would be great, but there are no guarantees with a "tentative" release date.
One last HORRORS OF WAR update, on the German Amazon.com (Amazon.de) the reviews are sharply in contrast of those who love it and those that hate it. That seems to really sum up people's feelings about the film. They either love it or hate it. I think that really is the secret of all movies. Some people love your movie, some people hate it. Get used to it kids. That's normal and that's life. There are some movies I hate that other people love. Go figure. Only amateurs & hobbyists don't understand that.
I have been dealing with technical issues on Eternal for the Derek. I have been capturing, then re-capturing the footage trying to tweak everything just right to edit in HD with the AspectHD codec. It seems to work much smoother with the JVC HD110 than the Sony line of HDV. The solution was to use a cheaper Sony HDV Handicam so that the capturing goes smoother, and Jesus Marimba that works so much better. After this weekend, we'll be all caught up on everything that's been shot so far, plus we'll be finishing off the rest of what they are shooting this weekend. Once it's all digitized, I am making 2 backups on the 2 portable 500 Gig drives Derek bought. Redundancy can never be bad. Always protect the data, and protect it often. I'm down to 1 intern helping on this project and I need at least 2-3 more. Assistant Editors have become the lifeblood of my editorial process. I like the team aspect, especially when it's not my own project, although I will probably institute this process into my own movies from here on out. Collaboration seems to increase the quality in the edit.
All of my feature work is on hold for a little bit. I want to develop the screenplays more fully and be 100% sure they are ready to roll. I value the script above all else these days. I want to choose my material very carefully and make the best possible movie based on what will be the blueprint.
Lately, I've been listening to my old CD's. The Black Crowes had so much more passion in their style than I remember. I had a bunch of CD's, but only listened to a few tracks. Now I'm devouring the entire catalog. Chris and Rich Robinson conveyed a depth and soul rarely heard in popular music, especially from ones as young as they were.
As for the world of Rossdonia the controversy is abound. "V" was convicted of turning over the names of the kitties that spilled the water dish on Brandy's computer. I commuted his sentence and this caused uproar in Rossdonia. I know he broke the law, but he's my friend, so I let him off the hook. The scorn & ridicule he and his family have been through was enough. I know that Paris Hilton spent a few weeks in jail, but this is different. I know this guy, so I'm letting him off. Besides, it's old news. Let's move on because I have better things to do than answer for my own questionable actions.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Needs for Succor, for the Sake of Demulcent Inklings
Needs for Succor, for the Sake of Demulcent Inklings
A lot can happen in a few short weeks these days. Some good, some bad, but things do happen. The universe tends to keep a somewhat balance over events, but for me, some things are more relevant than others. My priorities don’t resemble more other peoples. I’ll make somewhat eccentric choices.
To start, I had a few minor emergencies that sent me back to the Hospital. That was fun, especially being uninsured. What sucked most was that it cost me $450, and I was due to make $450 that night on a camera op job. So in essence, I am down $900 all in one day.
My health is a concern to me. I lost weight, changed my diet substantially, and yet I still have certain things crop op. I guess I really am getting older. I always believed if you never grew up on the inside, then the outside would remain the inner 11 year old I am in my head. I guess not. Have no fear Acolytes, your faithful narrator is not in that bad a shape; I am merely experiencing a set back. I have to take a little time off for myself and slow down my pace of late.
I did experience extreme burnout already. Going from freelance job to freelance job, on set and production house to production house, then coming home only to stare at a computer monitor again for hours on end started to really get to me. Combine that with other health issues and your faithful narrator was in a bad way. There were several consecutive 20 hour days, and no full days off for over a month.
The freelance work has remained steady. Since My Sexy Fiancé Veronica ™ is no longer a sexy stewardess, guess who is taking up all the slack? That’s right, I am the breadwinner. I am returning the favor for a fallow time when my income was less than stellar not so many years ago. As I already stated previously, I love that I can provide the cushion for her as she did for me. Not only is she sexy, but we rely on each other in times of need on every level. I dig that, and I really dig My Sexy Fiancé Veronica ™. It’s because we have each other we don’t have to live with our mommy or daddy like total slack-ass losers.
We have, what I believe to be, a picture lock on Goodnight Cleveland. We have sent a DVD to the director, Miguel, in San Jose for his approval. I moved pretty quickly from an assembly edit to rough cut to fine cut, to picture lock on it. George Caleodis was in town, so much was discussed and much thought went into the structure of the film. The movie is split between the drug deal drama story, and the sad story of a failing comedy group that no one thinks is funny. I personally loved the sad story, and found it sardonically funny. I wanted to shift the focus more on that and minimalize the Lethal Weapon-esque drug story. I was able to do that while maintaining the integrity, but we need final approval from the director. Now the soundtrack is in the hands of Micah to be cleaned up and made pretty… as pretty as it can be. I will work on the mix when we have a cleaned up dialogue track and help lay in music from the Caleodis archives.
As soon as that was done, I got hired, officially, to edit an HDV feature from the Derek. Derek’s feature film debut ETERNAL has begun digitizing here in HD. I have added a new intern to help on this and the others will shift focus to ETERNAL from GOODNIGHT CLEVELAND. Not much has been done due to a technical glitch with the HD codec. It made digitizing a less than fun experience. I am blown away by the look of this Sony Z1 camera in 60i. Alex Esber has done some amazing work here. This will take my assistant editors some time to get it all ingested into my system, then I will split everyone into assignments of scenes to edit for an assembly, but unlike GOODNIGHT CLEVELAND, I’ll be in the mix right away with edits for the assembly so we can have as much finished as possible within a week or two of principal photography wrapping.
Sonnyboo Productions really is starting to become an indie film post production house. I hadn’t thought about it, but there really are a lot of short films and now features being posted here in my home studio. Because I wanted to be less reliant on any outside studios for anything, I did splurge on a mixer and microphone for the home studio. I have had to go to other studios to record simple voiceovers. Now I can do this entirely at home. If My Sexy Fiancé Veronica ™ gets a request, I can just record her here and email or FTP it. I am pleased with the signal-to-noise ratio and can clean up any extra sounds in my audio software.
For those looking for dish on my thoughts or feelings about being parodied, I have little to offer. I have taken on an attorney to deal with any copyright infringements, civil action, and even into the actual criminal activity relating to it. Aside from my meetings with the prosecutor’s office and the police this week, I have nothing more to say.
17+ million views on GROUPER.COM and climbing. Some movies only have tens of views, others a few thousand, then the magic three have over five million views each. I guess I know which ones people like more than others… Can’t argue with the stats. What is even more fascinating is that I never even knew that site existed until they solicited me to add some of the Sonnyboo movies. I’m at a stage now where I don’t have to do much as they come to me. I did discover a cool, high quality video site called REVVER.COM. It’s yet another in the long line of YouTube wannabe’s, but the quality is exceptional. There’s also FUNNY OR DIE from Will Ferrell, but they solicited me.
I got interviewed for a story with VIDEOMAKER MAGAZINE, which was cool. I have never had anything in that mag yet, so it was a score for me. What came as an even bigger surprise was that they loved my instructional videos and have asked that I become a freelance writer for their magazine and website too. I accepted the offer and got my first assignment which I am working on today. It’s paid work too. Looks good on a resume, as well as something I enjoy doing. That seems like low-stress work to me, and rewarding.
My health concerns, as well as legal ones, will keep me away from my feature film projects for a few months. I need to make money, and then even more money. That income will make life a bit healthier, pay for insurance, and cover the costs of attorney’s fees as I pursue justice.
As per my doctor’s orders, I made some “me” time and relaxed. I went to a double feature one night by myself of FANTASTIC FOUR: RISE OF THE SILVER SURFER and LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD. Yet again, the FF movie surpassed my expectations, but then again they were really, really low. Oh Jessica Alba… so pretty, so… not diverse as an actress, and yet my eyes are drawn to your shape like the way a starving man looks at a buffet table. My only question concerning the 4th DIE HARD movie is this… why call it DIE HARD? Why not just make this a new movie without tying it to a series? The entire “John McLane” character was missing in this film. There was no story arc or character or emotion whatsoever. It’s as if they were hinging all that on people remembering some kind of character development from previous movies to anchor your emotion on… and for me it didn’t work at all. The action is good, but without motivation, who cares?
Well, this is for a relaxing day here in Rossdonia, home of the political kitties. My man “V” is a vicious little guy. He hates Micah, no one knows why. He goes from loving the petting to biting in seconds flat. No one knows why. Cousette is still attacked often and without cause. “V” has taken on the personality of the terrorist “V” from the movie/graphic novel.
All else shall be as it was meant to be.
Award Winning Filmmaker
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