Sometimes a plan works. In my last blog I described a technique to force myself to get things done by setting a self imposed embargo on the fun narrative work until the various day job and TV work is completed. So far, so good. I’m now 75% done with another episode of FRAMELINES, caught up on outstanding day job work, and well on my way to getting to the personal project.
In other ways I’m trying to force myself out of bad habits. I sometimes surf the web and read pointless articles with research instead of reading the many many books on my shelf from another addiction, which is Half Price Books ™. Unfortunately, I have no interest in curing that bad habit as I love my books; tactile and solid, books are not mean to be read on some device. I’m now leaving the computer and sites like Facebook earlier and reading in my bed, cats purring on my lap as I turn pages.
I’ve re-arranged my living space. When you want to change habitual behavior, sometimes it is as simple as moving your environment around to change your perspective literally. Tomorrow I inherit a new recliner from my father, and another one from my brother-in-law. I am forgoing the mighty futon we watch movies on in favor of two easy chairs from which we can battle for control of the remote in between us!
Next week I start to panic as I am way behind on marketing a screening. Me, the marketing whore, has failed to capitalize on the timings to get attention at the maximum potential. Please check the Weather Channel, as it might be snowing in hell. I have less interest in attention than I used to. The scepter has clearly passed on to others in the Columbus Filmmaking scene, and that sits very well with me. I just want to make my movies and shows. I have lost all interest in the players and their games. I am so entrenched in my work that I cannot spare the time or energy at pettiness, even for some of those I have helped that do not return the favor. Others do, and I do not do what I do for credit or return favors. I do it because I feel I must.
By Monday I’ll have another episode of FRAMELINES done, and I can start work on the new web series….maybe getting these two complete will inspire me to get the rest going too….
So now, I must return to my reading. I’m on my 4th book in 5 days. Of course that sounds more impressive than it is because the books are “The Art of ________” or photographic journals on Behind the Scenes, so they aren’t very word heavy. The book on BABEL by Inarritu was amazing. The Art of IRON MAN provided insight into pre-production too.