In Ohio, we have an ugly race for Governor. Two guys, Strickland versus Kasich. Neither choice is very good. As is evident, neither can articulate any good ideas, so they both sling mud. Unfortunately, it has decided to use Columbus Film as it's slime.
For one of Kasich's smear ads, he hired a local actor to portray a steelworker attacking Strickland's policies. Hiring an actor is hardly a new thing, bad, or controversial. Well, someone decided it should be. Someone from Strickland's campaign decided THIS should be the issue. Not jobs, not the economy, not gay rights, not terrorism... not anything REMOTELY IMPORTANT TO ANYONE. So they made this web-commercial (that may be airing on TV, but I don't know)...
Are you kidding me? from Jeremy Froughlin on Vimeo.
Thanks to the blogosphere, someone went so far as to research the actor and found out he had some kind of record. They made some blog entries about "Kasich hiring a felon" or something like that. This crosses a line for me. He's an ACTOR and he ACTED a part. Who on Earth thinks it's a good idea to crucify HIM in the name of politics? Which one of these two sides thinks causing this actor to NOT get hired because his alleged criminal record is now all over the web? Who thinks trying to paint some innocent actor who probably didn't even get union wages as a sex addict by using pictures from his MySpace page with a stripper at a birthday party? Who's looking out for the little guy? Who's looking out for privacy? What does this really achieve?
Now in the commercial above, they used footage from two short films from Columbus Filmmakers WITHOUT PERMISSION. The politicians and the campaign are claiming "Fair Use" laws to defend their decision to steal movie clips. I guess they figure "Hey, they're from Columbus and it would cost them more money to fight us than Hollywood, so screw them! USE THEIR CLIPS!".
Well, THANKS politicians. I don't care which party did what. That's not the issue. The issue is intellectual property and the rights we have over our WORK. We can't let fat cat politicians step all over us and use our clips in whatever way they want.
This is MY video to all the politicians. Get off your lazy asses and do something for the PEOPLE, not yourselves, you worthless sycophants.
I guess if they can claim "Fair Use", then so can I, right? Is there anything wrong with my artistic decision to show both candidates with random word phrases like "PEDOPHILE" and "TERRORIST"? I'm not saying they are these things, nor do I intend to imply such outrageous claims. I guess if they want to sling mud, I prefer to bring a gun to their little knife fight.
Why not go out and make your own videos with their commercials and FAIR USE it all up and go for the throat? If our once and future governor(s) can steal clips, then so can we!
These two idiots running for Governor are spending MILLIONS in TV advertising, and they want to claim "Fair Use" on using a poor independent filmmaker's clips? Yeah, even if by some miracle it's legal via a loophole, that doesn't make it right.