Another year come and gone. So far, 2011 looks like a good year. We’re barely into the year and a lot of good things are coming down the pike, and I’m not even a fish, nor do I live near a river. I’m working on so many projects at the moment that I’m frying my brain. I hear the sizzle of my noodle in the frying pan right now.
ACCIDENTAL ART continues to push its way into the world. Investors have started to put money forth slowly, but most certainly. This OPENFILM.COM contest has started the whole “online cheating” that I mentioned in a previous blog. Someone is logging in and voting the exact same 8 movies, 7 with 1 star and 1 with 5 stars, all inside of the same few minutes and from accounts with derivatives of the same name. EG jgreen, jgreen2, jaredgreen, etc. (actual accounts doing this). At least we’re still in the Top Ten so far with only a week to go.
HORRORS OF WAR still manages to invade my life as we got released in several European countries without anyone telling us. Or paying us. Distributors are criminals. No exceptions. Never trust anyone in the film selling and buying business. At least there is some new poster art coming from this. In some countries the title is now “NAZI ZOMBIES”.
The cats continue to perturb and cause trouble. Mister “V” has grown quite large and plump to boot. He burrowed in a hole in the side of the couch, which now has become his new fort. He sleeps on my head like a Russian hat, keeping us both warm in the winter months.
I’ve got a music video shoot in San Diego coming up next month, so more on that later.