Saturday, March 31, 2007

Sonnyboo & the Spooner Weasel do Europe 2007 PART I

Sonnyboo & the Spooner Weasel do Europe 2007 PART I

Day 1

We arrive at Charles DeGaulle airport in Paris, which is one of 3 airports, but the only one I've ever seen. We easily make our way out of there, but we wound up taking a cab because of a problem just getting to the subway system. We go to our hotel straight away so we can drop off our bags and make our way around. It's 9:00AM Paris time, and we can't check in until 9:00PM. After the drop off, we wind up being all of a few paces from a Metro stop. I have a theory that you can get anywhere in Paris in no more than 2 subway trains. This is no exception and we decide to see the Eiffel Tower first. It's symbolic of Paris in everyway, and being from Ohio Brandy brings up the KING's ISLAND 1/3rd scale Eiffel Tower. Once you see the real one, you find the Cincinnati replica kind of silly and for me, in bad taste. This proved true yet again. Once we got street level near the military school, it was freezing and raining. We stopped into a cafe to wait it out a little. One of the joys of Paris is just chilling in a cafe to talk & people watch. We did this well since Brandy was still very sick and on the flight over my sniffling became a full on runny nose.

We hobbled our way over to the park just east of the Eiffel Tower and slowly approached the iron giant. After marveling and also deciding NOT to stay in the freezing cold wind with drizzle, we moved on up the hill to the west of the tower and again stared at the city from the hill. I had told Brandy many times about this place and the view from here. Brandy has never been to Europe before, aside from England. She also studied French since high school and she used everything she had remembered. Lots of "uhs" and "argh", but basically she did a far better job than I ever could. We made our way to the nearest metro stop and headed back to the hotel since it was nearing 2:00PM and all we could both think about was sleep.

The flight over was pretty sleepless, which was odd because our flight was only half full. The snowstorms of the week before cancelled all flights leading up to ours to and from anywhere on the eastern seaboard. We got very lucky and we managed to get on each flight and pass many disgruntled travelers. Once on the final leg, the 7.5 hour flight from Philly, I was intending to sleep as much as I could. I stayed up late the night before and was hoping this would adjust my body clock. Instead, I could barely sleep and when I did it was horrendously discomforting. I was starting to contract Brandy's virus and maybe biologically something changes in you that prevents sleep in less comfortable situations, but I was having very little sleep. One cool new thing - video on demand for the little LCD screens in each seatback.

Now that we made it to the hotel dragging horribly, we both took showers and then passed out by 2:15PM. I was thinking we'd take a nap, then go to dinner. When my Brandy-Weasel is hungry, feed it. Her stomach has no tolerance for slackers or humor. Feed the Brandy or beware. Sometimes her tummy says things the Brandy's brain does not mean when it hasn't been fed. I learned this years ago. Of course, what no one could predict was that our mutual lack of sleep and now recent tiring from a simple jaunt would wipe us both out. The next thing I know it's 12:Noon the next day and the maid is trying to see if we want things changed. We slept for nearly 22 hours.


This day, we trog out and make our way to the Louvre. This is my favorite museum on the planet. It's got a lot to see and it's set in an old French palace, but with a very modern, controversial glass pyramid out front that still causes a ruckus with locals. We go in and I remember where everything is, except the Mona Lisa has been moved to a new wing in 2003. It's more visible, easier access, and interestingly appears bigger than it used to. It used to be behind several inches of bullet proof glass in a side wall. It appeared to be no bigger than an 8.5"x11" sheet of paper. It looks bigger now, but it's still behind bullet proof glass.

I was now under the full sway of the virus and Brandy was better, but not 100% either. We made our way around a few places that I love so dearly. We hear an announcement and find out that we only have 1.5 hours before closing. I pick up the pace and we move quickly to the Greek statues where I have planned for 2 whole weeks to make my proposal of marriage to Brandy. She has no idea what is in store and loves the two enclosed courtyards with their natural light and the larger than life marble statues.

I get down on one knee. She asks me to stop, but I say no. I ask the basic question and she has this look on her face like I'm confessing to a crime. Before it gets ugly, I start in on the whole pitch as I knew it. Brandy is complex and unique. I know everyone thinks everyone else is unique and that is true, but no one on the planet has a CLUE just how odd and unique Brandy is. Some people think outside of the box, well Brandy's not even in the freakin' WAREHOUSE. I have to let her know what I mean by marriage, I have to let her know I have an equal disdain for formalities. I don't want a church wedding. I don't want anything remotely traditional, and I don't want the core of our relationship to change. We have no expectations and we aren't setting a date. I gave her the ring and she said yes.

Then they kicked us out of the Louvre when the closed. Next up was the Arc De Triomphe down the street. A simple subway stop and we walk smack dab into a Veteran's day parade at the Arc. Brandy takes some more pictures and we move on down one of the district's streets. Another early night because it starts to rain again and we needed some alone time now.


We are taking a night train this night, so it's a light day of sightseeing before getting on board. We go to Notre Dame and for the first time, I set foot inside it. A marvel of ancient medieval architecture, seeing the site makes me also think that perhaps Christianity has too much arrogance and spectacle. Brandy wants to see another church called Sacre Cour, or Sacred Heart. We find our way up a very large hill and windy streets from the back. We find a bunch of old men playing a game with metal balls, then walk through a park to another enormous structure. When we round the corner to the front, we are taken aback by the view of paris from this distance and hill. You could see everything from there in a panoramic view all around. The church interior does not disappoint either with all it's history and design. Rarely am I moved by these things, but it was impressive.

DAY 3.5

I have taken many Eurorail night trains to get to my destinations. It's a great way to travel and I love it. It also saves one night's hotel expenses. We initially find a seat and nestle in. I even fall asleep quickly next to an African woman and a Frenchman that smoked like a chimney. Of course there is a downside to a Eurorail Pass. Of course we'd experience it. The flaw is that you are taking a back seat to people with reservations and a non-pass regular ticket for that train. In the case of this particular train, it means you take NO SEAT because there are none. We got bumped 1-2 stops later when people with reserved seating came in. We wind up sitting on the floor in the luggage section. Things are tense for a few moments, but we relax into it. It's not a big deal. Two hours later, a seat opens up in the cafe cart and I listen to my trusty MP3's for a bit. A guy from Germany reads my hat and asks me if I make movies on the Internet. He recognized the name SONNYBOO, thus making it official; I spend too much time online. I then go back to find the lovely Brandy surrounded by no less than 5 young men also displaced and hitting on her like she was a super model.

One of the guys has a laptop out & playing tunes from Bob Dylan, the Beatles, and Marvin Gaye. I feel like I found Kindred spirits. We start to talk, as most people are supposed to on long train trips. We discuss politics first, as this is a necessity when you tell anyone in the outside world you are an American. Yes, we hate George W. Bush, No, we do NOT like what is happening in Iraq and don't believe our government has a clue. I believe the same thing as most Europeans which is that we had no business going into Iraq and that this war has devolved into a mess that warrants a pullout. Finding a group of older college kids en route to Berlin for a mock-Parliament event made for a long, fun night of discussion. Two of the guys were Iranians displaced and living in Belgium for several years. They were not outcast by their peers and had a sharp intellect. I was impressed in every way with them, not the least of which was their open mindedness of life and the world, but also by their maturity.

We talked about pop culture, music & movies. We all agreed the new Casino Royale was a great way to reboot the James Bond franchise. Justin Timberlake is viewed as a Michael Jackson wannabe even in Europe, and the Beatles will be timeless and relevant forever. As the night went on, we eventually moved on from baggage area to the cafe cart where seats had opened up when they stopped serving. The train trip was from 9:37PM and arriving at 8:46AM, so sitting on the hard floor for 6+ hours started to really really hurt. Once we all had proper chairs to sit in, some people joined and or left. This is what rocks about traveling by train and also by a bit of vagabond traveling. I love meeting people this way and learned this way of life when I first traveled to Europe 10 years ago.

I told the story of my first trip to Europe and was met with laughter, thankfully intentional. I asked a lot about everyone's history and perspectives on life in Europe. Each country here has so much history and pride, and it's all different from one another. Their proximity breeds better friendships and respect. American seems so self contained and isolated because of the oceans and just the way the chips fell in terms of economy and politics. By the early AM hours, it was just Brandy, me and the two Iranian brothers. By some fluke, they asked me if I liked to read, and then if I liked J.R.R. Tolkien. I didn't say anything, but pulled my paperback of THE BOOK OF LOST TALES from my coat pocket. I had found this treasure of unfinished writings at Half Priced Books before we left. I spent several years awaiting this book to be on paperback and then at the used bookstore. The older brother said that was one of the only books he had not read yet. I was only 12 pages in. We shared a mutual love for The Silmarillion, all of our favorite book. We discussed several of the stories and characters in detail.

Eventually the cafe cart re-opened for breakfast & we got booted from our only seats. By this time, we found enough actual seats that we all squeezed into a car and passed out for the final 2 hours of the journey. Once we got into the Berlin station, we parted ways, as many of these travels and chance meetings do. I shook hands with them all individually, and then I handed my Tolkien book to the Iranian. He said it was too much, but I insisted. I can always get it again sometime. It meant too much to me to not give them something. I can't explain it, but random selfless acts sometimes come back in the karmic greatness and you just do it when you feel compelled. I made him promise to share it with his little brother.


A long 4 hours waiting for the train to Warsaw Poland from Berlin. It seemed longer because it was cold and we needed a lot more sleep. Once on the train to Poland, it was really easy for me to pass out. I slept for hours. I needed it. English becomes less and less prevalent the further east you go. I have never had any real trouble getting around without any other languages, but it's different going to a former eastern block, communist country. Lucky for us, Brandy got a tour guide package and they are picking us up at the train station.

We got off the train and for 5 very long minutes we wait. A stranger asks us if we need accommodations, Brandy says yes, then I remind her that we already have them, and she says "Oh yeah..." and he wanders off. Then a young, chipper happy blonde guy carrying a sign that says "Brandy Seymour" walks up to us and escorts us to a Mercedes that carts us to the hotel. We order room service and munch on chocolate ice cream and french fries along with gourmet food stylings and dressings from the East. Again, I sleep like a log before starting a tour of Warsaw the next day.


I had a realization that part of who I am today was greatly shaped by my travels over the last decade. My worldviews were expanded; my ideals about people from places other than American have been opened. I was asked several times by several people here this trip what I thought of the differences between American and Europe. Sadly I barely notice the "differences", as I am looking at things with a broader view in life now. I don't think most Americans would agree with me. Most people I know in the U.S. would think they are having the most unique wedding because they chose the blue flower arrangements rather than the pink carnations on the tables at the reception, or that they have such a unique and interesting point of view because they had the DJ play "We Are Family" after the traditional "Chicken Dance". I think I hate some Americans more than Europeans do. Anyway, my point to them, and now you, is this - People are people no matter where you live. There are idiots and morons in Europe, African, Australia, Asia, as well as the plethora we have in the United States (and our government).

One thing that gives me hope is that when two Americans like ourselves are embraced by Persians, Asians, and Europeans without hesitation and with such a mutual respect between us all - I have faith in humanity, albeit for a brief time. More on this wonderful adventure when I get more time & sleep. Still not caught up and a bit woozy.

Peace & love with good happiness stuff,
Peter John Ross

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Engaging, Enraging, and the Etymology of the word ELBOW

Engaging, Enraging, and the Etymology of the word ELBOW

March 13th, 2007

Another week goes by. This past Friday and Saturday I was doing long days as a camera operator on a gig for Scott Spears. He has moved back to Columbus from LA and has been freelancing himself quite a little bit. I needed the gig since I need some extra money for the European trip coming soon. It will help a lot as I gear up for the next phase in my development as a human being. Because I know my girlfriend does not read my blogs, and only sometimes looks at the pictures, I think it's safe to announce a little secret here. I am planning on asking her some serious questions in Paris. Big questions. One might say that you "pop" this one, but that is an odd phrase that makes no sense to me. Don't tell her. She doesn't know. Plus maybe it's all a ruse to see if she really is reading my blogs and not telling me. I have been known to be that cruel on occassion.

It's still not hitting me that hard that soon I'll be on the other side of the globe again. My mind rarely bends outside of the focus I am on. I have been living inside the walls of Rossdonia and I need to open my eyes again to the world at large. Or maybe I just need cable TV. The things that entertain me are NOT what entertain most other people. I enjoy poking the psycho's who fixate on me with a stick when I should be ignoring them and watching the latest episode of HEROES, a show I haven't seen a single episode of. Part of the reason I don't have cable is because I'd waste time switching channels in the ceaseless effort to find something good. It doesn't help that in order to view things well, I'd need High Definition or I'd feel a bit cheated by the quality. Cable TV just looks awful.

I saw the movie "300" on Friday night on the "UltraScreen", which used to be an Imax, but now it's just "ultra". I liked the movie. It wasn't life altering or anything, nor would I say it was great, but I was entertained. I salivated after the trailers and I wasn't disappointed, but I wasn't blown away either. It looked great, but the graphic nature of it seemed less real than say Gladiator where the violence felt far more real and the locations/sets were more earthly. For me, it would have helped if we had more time with the characters, developed a relationship with them as an audience before putting them into the situation. That's why LORD OF THE RINGS did this much more successfully in very similar setups; the difference being that we cared a lot for the characters. It was still a fun, mindless movie with great action scenes, and a little nudity.

Yesterday was a hard day. We took our man "V" to the vet to get fixed. It was difficult because, I have my testicles, and empathized with the loss of that part of your person because I never want to lose mine. He has become a part of our family very quickly, albeit with many hilarious troubles. "V" is a troublemaker, no doubt. He annoys, he attacks, he knocks things over, he has issues with authority, and loves to bite and chew. Lately, his sexual drive has gotten to the point where no one in th house is sleeping much because he's trying to hump Coussette at all hours and the fights ensue. We made an appointment for last Friday, but since both Brandy & I were working all day, it wouldn't have been fair, and we definately didn't want to leave him at the vet's all weekend. We re-sheduled for Monday.

So we got up at 6:00AM, an ungodly hour for all of us... except "V" who thought it was the greatest that we were all up when he was. Brandy went to get the car around front so the distance wouldn't be so bad. "V" has been staring out the windows & doors, and has made several escape attempts just so he could get out into the universe. He's a crafty one, he is. That is, until I took him into the universe. When I tried to pick him up, he assumed it was Chase Game, and hid. It took 3 minutes to get him and take him to the car. Once in, he ran to the back window, and got excited & curious. Then the car moved...

Brandy's driving is erratic and bumpy. Needless to say, this was unpleasant for "V". He freaked out and hid under her driver's seat. Then he crawled forward, under her pedals and she drives stick. We had to pull over, put on the hazards, and get him out. I put him by my feet and he hid there, but constantly tried to get back to her feet. Then he hid under my passengers seat. He howled and complained the whole time we were on the highway. We got to the vet's and they weren't open yet, and there were many cars waiting. We decided to let our man calm down & let the line go through. I pet his head and talked to him/ He popped his head out florm under the seat, and eventually, with much petting, came out all the way. He was not thrilled, but more calm. Eventually, I went in to fill out the paperwork and Brnady brought him in when I finished. "V" was calm until a dog started barking and barking. Then the shivering and claws came out.

We left him with the vets and went home. They called less than 2 hours later saying he made it out of surgery okay and we could get him anytime after noon. Knowing how stubborn and persistent he is, we had to get one of these "elizabethan" collars, the cone head, to keep him from licking his wound. "V" hates it. He is uncomfortable and whining. When he tries to jump through the arms of chairs like he used to, he gets slapped back down and falls disoriented. I slept with him in the basement last night and he purred on my chest. Today is babysitting day with him as he gets used to it. His pain seems to have faded and the drugs have all worn off. Our man "V" pulled through like a champ. We have to keep the cone on his head for a few days at least, but he really hates it. I feel it necessary to scratch his head all over once an hour because he can't. Imagine having an itch on your face and being physically incapable of scratching it. I imagine my creepy stalker-types reading this understand this feeling all too well.

I'm going to work on my 2 scripts for 2007 while in Europe, but mostly on long train trips, flights, and even off days. I want a part of this trip to be a vacation, a no stress, fun time. I can't wait. The excitement grows inside me everyday until I leave. Now I have the extra $$$ to pay bills ahead and not be stressed when I get home for April's bills, mid-month. I'm making more MP3's of director commentary tracks for my portable MP3 player. I'm trying to pick more stuff I hIaven't heard or haven't listened to as much of. I also got a 1 gig memory card for the camera I got Bandy for her birthday, in actuality my Mom gave it to me to give to her.It's a nice 5 megapixel camera, and with the 1 gig card, we can get over 800 pictures on it, plus the 512 meg card that came with it, puts us at 1,200+ pics for the trip. I need an abundance of AA batteries, plus AAA for my other toys, like the

I'm going to put a new door and a lock on the basement while we are gone. I'm going to move most of the valuable down there while we are gone. It will be safer if I've got everything locked up and taken care of. I just don't want anything too valuable stolen while we're gone for many days. I only have a few items that mean a lot to me. Thank god we have a few friends coming over to check on the kitties and our stuff every few days, but still... paranoia.

The weather here has suddenly gotten beautiful. My windows are open, the fresh air circulates through the house. The kitties smell the universe, and I can just feel that spring has arrived. Here's hoping that we can all stay up and positive as the year trudges forward.

More later, much later my acolytes. I have much to do, not the least of which involves entertaining a recovering kitty.

Peace and love and good happiness stuff,

Friday, March 02, 2007

Invariably Invested in Allure

Invariably Invested in Allure

March 2nd, 2007

Well, it took some time, but I finally have something I am very very happy about. I’ve been working on a script for a fairly thorough outline of a feature screenplay for well over a year. I’ve now worked with 3 additional writers, although the majority of material from 2 of them went unused. Now, I am fairly content and twiddling with the remaining draft.

The odyssey of getting the script into shape reveals the Indie process. I met with the two sets of producers last week to find out if we can all gel as a team and also if everyone was still interested in making this movie. We were, so that leads into budget discussions, which eventually ran into the script. I had only provided the first 57 pages. I promised delivery of a completed draft by Sunday morning.

The truth is I had not looked at the script in 6 weeks myself. Where we were at was George Caleodis was sending me pages, several at a time over a 3 month period. I’d read the pages, then cut and paste them from WORD to FINAL DRAFT. Sometimes, I wouldn’t even correct the formatting issues. So after this meeting on Friday, I opened up the file and started to read the script, actually this draft months in the making – for the FIRST TIME. Now, I didn’t find anything I didn’t like per se, but what I discovered was that there were mental notes to myself like “Oh, I’ve got to change that” or even real notes like, “Don’t worry George, I’ll re-write that scene” that I quite frankly – never got around to.

Then the real shock kicked in. George’s draft just ends at a certain point where the ending sequences begin. I asked him about that and he reminded me that I told him that I was going to use the earlier draft by Chris Gavalar as the basis and I was going to re-write that. Oh yeah… forgot about that, didn’t I? So now I visited a nearly 2 year old draft. The end sequence in the Chris Gavalar draft was exceptional. It flowed well, was exactly in the style I wanted and still want. Now the problem was there were several characters in that sequence that are not in our current draft. The pages refer to events that no longer occur in our draft. I needed to overhaul the entire end sequence now. And it has to be done by Sunday morning.

My faithful readers, the Acolytes of Boo, which sadly includes many naysayers looking for nuggets of negativity, already know that the main reason I have brought on other writers is because I have had writer’s block for some time. Not true writer’s block, as I have been able to write many a blog, write a book, and even write love letters to Avril Lavigne before her untimely engagement. I could write anything EXCEPT this screenplay. Now I very much wanted to collaborate with writers from now on with all of my projects, especially a comedy, but finding the right fit (write fit?) was not easy. Chris Gavalar did a great job, but we didn’t 100% see eye to eye on certain changes. Another writer made an attempt, but then got accepted to USC Film School and we never really got to work too much, and then George Caleodis stepped up to the challenge and we hit it off perfectly. Since George is a stand up comedian, and an accomplished improv actor, as well as dramatic actor – we were able to speak the same kind of language on this.

Now I was at the point where I needed to step back up to the plate and the deadline loomed over my head like a twisted grandfather clock. All my trepidations came at once. I stared at the keyboard a I have lo these many months, and then I finished my re-write by 3:00PM on Saturday. I did some touch ups and emailed it out 12 hours early at 6:33PM Saturday to the producers.

Now there are still tweaks to be done, especially after we do a “table read” with actors who may or may not ever play these roles. Everything sounds different when you hear it out loud. I’m still fiddling with it before I get to that point. I need a physical hard copy of a script to write notes on and work with to make revisions. It’s tactile, but important. Since getting my first hard copy of the latest draft this week, I’ve already decided to completely re-write a character, an ART CRITIC from the ground up. I feel like I have something to say through this character and want to make a comment on suburbia via this flamboyant non gender specific entity.

Looks like writer’s block went away…

I still shan’t reveal the name just yet, but the screenplay is a dark comedy that basically is set in one location, with a limited cast. If Quentin Tarantino and Neil Simon had an ugly love child – that would be the movie I’m making next. We’re now set for an August-September 2007 (tentative) shoot and things are coming together nicely in a myriad of ways for this project. Producers are on board, and even some of the crew is coming together.

Now one of the things that sucks is that since HORRORS OF WAR is not out on DVD yet, in many ways to investors it’s as if I’m still on my first feature. We’re missing the validity of saying to an investor, “He go to any BLOCKBUSTER VIDEO™ and see the DVD with my name on it.” So that sucketh greatly in that regard, but then there has been so much learned in the process, that some aspects are easier.

The Poor Man’s Trip to Europe preparation has begun. I have my new passport (renewed - $67). Brandy didn’t want to give up her old passport, so she claimed to have “lost it” and had to pay $97. It turns out, I got my old passport back when I renewed it, only with some hole punches in it and the giant words VOID across it. She could have saved $30.

We’re flying in and out of Paris, one of my favorite cities on the planet. I’ve been there a few times, but that was now 10 years gone by. Brandy has never been to Europe outside of England. Since we can make this trip on someone else’s dime, and Paris is the least expensive place to fly in, I intend to show her what I know of the city and find some new things too. Plus, I want European SPOONS. I’ve never had European Spoons, and now I want them.

From Paris France we head to Berlin, German, then the majority of our trip is research throughout Poland. Krakow to Warsaw with many little places in between. I am considering directing this movie about World War II that has no science fiction elements whatsoever. I’m going to go and see what I feel emotionally with the physical places and how it connects with me. This would be a movie for 2008-2009 and requires more than any movie I’d ever considered before.

Now to go with last months miraculous purchase of new pants (1 pair jeans, 1 pair cargo), I bought 2 new pairs of shoes, since my only black shoes are starting to fall apart. It turns out when I shopped at PAYLESS SHOES ™ I got the identical pair of shoes I was wearing. Then I went online to order a new pair of VANS ™ since not one store in the Midwest seems to carry the standard canvas shoes with laces, only slip-ons can be found. The last pair I bought was last May in Hollywood. Within days, I was on a shoot where I was in the rain & mud so that new pair was ruined. Usually a pair of VANS™ last me a 3 years or so. Again, I spent less than $50 for both pairs of shoes combined. So in the last few weeks I’ve spent less than $100 on clothes, but it’s more than I’ve spent on wardrobe in years. I really don’t care much about my attire.

For the trip, I want to go extremely limited in terms of baggage and clothes, etc. We got matching large backpacks for Xmas/Birthday so that’s all we’re going to take with us. No luggage, no laptops, and laundry detergent so we can wash some of what we take and not bring as much. Now I shan’t go without any technology. The aforementioned 1 gig MP3 player will entertain on flights and train trips. I’m also talking the Palm Vii Palm Pilot Scott Spears imparted to me. I’m loading that mutha up with direction to hotels, train schedules, phone numbers, contacts, info, plus it has a little portable keyboard so that if I need to type something I want in a data file – I’ve got it. If I choose to make script ideas or whatever, I can still do that without much hassle. This is one of those ancient; nearly Amish Palm Pilots, but I dig it. I also got a pre-paid cell phone that works in Europe, so we can get contacted if anything comes up, and also make calls in an emergency situation.


The strife in Rossdonia has become palpable. Moods are tense, and the sexual tension could be cut with a steak knife. Our man “V” has reached sexual maturity and has started trying to hump everything and everyone in the house. We’re going to have to do the dreaded SNIP SNIP. I feel awkward setting this up. As a male with my genitalia in tact, there’s something just plain wrong about making this phone call. It must be done, but why can’t Brandy do it? Poor Cousette has been targeted as the designated sex object for “V” and there’s this constant hissing, attack, separation we have to do at all hours of day and night.

I said to Brandy I wished “V” could control himself better and she said the same thing about me.

This has been a bountiful writing experience, but less fulfilling that working on the script. I must return to that now, my acolytes.

- Peter John Ross
Now Wearing Pants